
I have that rare pleasure of having lived my life knowing what I want and why I want it. My biggest reason for becoming an aesthetician is simple. I want to spoil and take care of people.

When I was a new mom, I was overwhelmed and wearing thin. A friend suggested I do something for myself and get a facial. My initial thought was that I couldn't take time away from my baby. What kind of mother leaves her baby so she can get a facial? My friend had gotten me a gift certificate, so I couldn't really say no.

After my appointment, I felt completely recharged and renewed. I came home, so happy to see my baby, and so ready to take on the challenging world of motherhood. That was when I realized that you cannot truly take care of another being unless you have taken care of yourself.

This is true in all aspects of life, not just parenthood. If you are tired, overwhelmed, and unhappy, you cannot truly be the best version of yourself. It is my goal to make you happy and to give you just a little time where you can do something for yourself.

To paraphrase many wise people: If we want to be a positive force in the world, we must start with ourselves.